
Merry Christmas to all!

I hope everyone is having a wonderful Christmas :)  I've had some lovely free time to set up my etsy shop finally!  Check it out here.  I only have a few items up at the moment, but stay tuned as I will be adding a lot more soon!


Days 3, 4, and 5.

Okay, I have to admit I did get a little lazy documenting our adventure, but unfortunately because of the piles and piles of snow outside we didn't really get out much. On day three we traveled to Lewiston and ate some yummy treats at the Sage Bakery followed by a tour of the town from our trusty guide Zac. Later that night, Becca and I had a crazy time hanging out at the friendly neighborhood Walmart. Day 4 involved a good time of shopping at the mall followed by a date that evening which included a romantic dinner at the Broiler followed a movie (Four Christmases) which was quite funny. We stayed up until 3 watching the OC (unfortunately I am hooked now) and we spent most of day 5 watching it as well( we really are cool, I promise) Tonight We will celebrate Christmas with a glorious feast and the opening of stockings. That's all the excitement I have for right now. Please pray for us tomorrow as we drive back to southern Idaho. It should be interesting...


The secret life of sororities: Day two with Becca

Day two of my trip was jammed packed with scandal and seduction. Not really, but we did tour a sorority house. In preparation of the sorority that will be coming to the campus at NNU next fall, Becca and I got a sorority 101 lesson from Becca's friend Jordan. We already have some pretty b.a. plans in the works for Kappa Gamma Yahweh. As the Future Lord Mothers of KkΓγ3, we have been hard at work learning the way of the sorority from Jordan. We learned all about making legit secrets that will make everyone want to be in KkΓγ3. Let me tell you, we got some goooooooood secrets. We are also currently searching for a founder. We will be accepting applications for membership in the Early fall of 2009. At that time, we will also be accepting applications for availiable leadership positions such as Nutrition chair, Recycling chair, Social chair, Lord Mother Birthday Party Chair, Community Relations Chair, Chaplain, Sexual Educator (this spot is reserved for Aimee Cork pending her union with Phil Antilla), and Secretary/Treasurer.

*Please see Lord Mother Becca Deitz or Lord Mother Aubrey Webb if you have any questions.


Tender eyes in the Tundra: Day one with Becca

Today was day one of my 6 day adventure with Becca. My flight departed from Boise at 12:40 and arrived in Spokane at 12:45pm. Quite possibly the quickest flight I ever had. My arrival in spokane and reunion with Becca involved lots of tears and streamers...as usual. Next we ventured out into a ferocious blizzard to explore the town of Spokane. Our first stop was the most precious little cafe and bakery called Rockwood Bakery where we shared a delicious chipotle chicken sandwhich and ate all of their free cookie samples. Next we spent a few hours thrifting and picked up some pretty sweet deals. Becca picked up a classy Laverne and Shirley T shirt while I found some top-of-the-line rainbow legwarmers. We stopped in Couer d Alene to eat a 700 calorie dinner at Wendy's( Yes, there was a chart and we counted) and Coffee at Java. That's when we set off through the Tundra, Moscow bound. If your wondering about my tender eyes it's because it's so freaking cold that my eyelids are about to fall off right now. Three hours later and the scariest drive of my life, we arrived at the home of Becca and Aubrey. It's the best home ever. After some OC and ribbion candy, we snuggled into bed...


webb design

my new website is finally online! Check it out here. I have slaved over this thing for weeks and I am so excited to finally have it up and running. Let me know what you think :)



Support Artists this Christmas.

Why buy handmade gifts you ask?

Buying Handmade makes for better gift-giving.

The giver of a handmade gift has avoided the parking lots and long lines of the big chain stores in favor of something more meaningful. If the giver has purchased the gift, s/he feels the satisfaction of supporting an artist or crafter directly. The recipient of the handmade gift receives something that is one-of-a-kind, and made with care and attention that can be seen and touched. It is the result of skill and craftsmanship that is absent in the world of large-scale manufacturing.

Buying handmade is better for people.

The ascendancy of chain store culture and global manufacturing has left us dressing, furnishing, and decorating alike. We are encouraged to be consumers, not producers, of our own culture. Our ties to the local and human sources of our goods have been lost. Buying handmade helps us reconnect.

Buying handmade is better for the environment.

The accumulating environmental effects of mass production are a major cause of global warming and the poisoning of our air, water and soil. Every item you make or purchase from a small-scale independent artist or crafter strikes a small blow to the forces of mass production.

Support art. Support artists.  Support good gifting.  Peace.

I Took The Handmade Pledge! BuyHandmade.org


Happy Halloween!

Thought some of you might enjoy Aimee's Halloween costume.  Happy Halloween!

p.s. my roommate is here from Moscow and my roommate's roommate is here from Kansas!  This is the best halloween of my whole life!


Oh History.

Right now my roommate Aimee is reading a book on the American Revolution.
The funny thing is that she keeps bursting into laughter.
Who know History could be so much fun?

I QUIT! (almost)

I am ready to terminate my job at a certain car dealership.
There are some upsides there.  Nine dollars an hour is not too shabby.
The thing is that I am just done there.
Done getting hit on by my manager (who is clearly in his late 30's)
Done getting asked strange questions by creepy service men...Last week one guy asked if I was pregnant.
Done working 10 hour  Saturdays.
I just don't like it and I would much rather spend that time working on my design projects or spending time with my friends -who I have  unfortunately been neglecting lately :(
There are just somethings money can't buy.
I have the rest of my life to work right?
The problem is...I have never really quit a job.
I always just stick it out until I have to do something like go off to College.
The types of jobs that I had never really required quitting.
So if anyone has some advice for me on how to quit,
it would be much appreciated.




Yesterday I bought these AMAZING new shoes.  They are so comfortable, I feel like I'm walking on heaven.  I doubt I'll ever take them off.  The soles are made of this squishy foam that forms to fit your feet.  It's like a posturpedic for your foot!  They were a bit pricey, but definitely something everyone should invest in! availiable in sandals and "sidewalk surfers"

I learned about these in Web Design, at least I'm getting something out of that class (ugh).


So what if I do.

It's a wide known fact.

My roommate came to visit this weekend after a very very long separation.  I love my roommate so much.  She is the craziest roommate ever.  She makes me laugh so hard that the muscles in my stomach hurt. 

Here are some highlights from our weekend...

Shopping with roommate.
Going to Hooters with roommate.
Going to church with roommate and feeling guilty about going to Hooters. 
Praying that God would forgive us for going to Hooters.
Sleeping next to roommate in my tiny bed.
Listening to roommate talk in her sleep. 
Listening to roomate laugh hysterically in her sleep.
Introducing roommate to my friend Choncy.
Going to chapel with roommate.(it was sex chapel day- go figure)
          Eating in the Dex with Roommate and Aimee (also a roommate who is very dear to me)             
 And my personal favorite...Hugging Roommate.

I miss you already roommate. Come back soon.



my heart hurts a little.
okay, my heart hurts a lot.


flying fartsicle.

#1  I broke my sunglasses.

#2 I broke my phone.

#3 I spilled water all over my brand new moleskine.

poo on today.

In other news, I did buy a super cute blue tea kettle.  Tea party at my house!



I developed this old negative that my dad found in our old attic.  This picture fascinates me.  I have so many questions. When was this photo taken? Who is this woman? Why is she having her picture taken? Why is she holding those things?  For some reason I want to know everything about her.  My boyfriend says I ask a lot of questions that he never has the answers to. I guess I'm just a  curious person. Then I thought of something awful.  What is we all stopped being curious? How awful would that be? What if we stopped searching for answers and just accepted everything we were told?  I love to explore. I love to explore so much that I sometimes wish I was more adventurous so that I could do even more exploring. This year my goal is just that.  I want to be more adventurous.  I want to take more risks. I want to ask more questions...and find the answers to them.  This year is going to be the best year yet.  I want this year to be an exciting journey with God.  I want him to teach  me and show me more things than I could ever dream of.  I want to be changed for the better.  I know it's going to be challenging at times.  There are going to be some days I'm going to want to be comfortable again, but I know it's going to be okay.

For those of you who don't know, I am planning to do a study abroad program in Cyprus this spring.  To be honest, I am scared out of my mind.   Cyprus is very far away from every one I love.  I will be all alone half way across the world.  I know that this will be a great experience for me.  I know it will change me, and I think I am ready for that.  

I'll keep you updated on this.

p.s. sorry I rambled so much on this post, I don't know what got into me.  Maybe it's because I just watched the sisterhood of the traveling pants. Yep, I think it was the pants.



I have a confession to make.  Remember the "ourbrainsareba" blog, with the sister brains.  The one where we all wrote about how much we love each other.  Wellll... when I set up this blog I accidentally deleted that one.  I don't know how it happened, I guess it was just time for it to disappear.  Funny timing though.  I don't really know whether to laugh or cry.  Bottom line: don't go looking for the sister brains anymore, you won't find them.  It's partly my fault, but really we're all to blame



"Sleepin's for babies, gamers play all night."

This is probably my favorite YouTube video of all time. I could watch it every day of my life and still laugh every time. This guy is just a kick in the pants. I just hope Jon doesn't end up like this. He is quite the Zelda lover.


It's a Christmas Miracle!

I hate unpainted toenails.
I hate painted toenails even more.
Usually my toes are sportin' somewhere between a fleck and a speck of polish.
I'm just too lazy to repaint my toenails when they start to chip.
Not anymore my friends, not since I picked up this cheap miracle polish from Target.
It's called "Milani nail laquer"
Fancy. I know.
Trust me though, it will change your life.
I painted my toes like a month and a half ago and I still appear to be one classy lady.
Try it. you will become a believer.


Sabbath Day

The Sabbath Day is my favorite day ever.
Lately Jon and I have been going to Calvary Chapel on Sunday nights. It's just the bomb at that place. I love it. Anyways, Every Sunday I've been sleeping in late, which means I can actually stay awake in church. This is a new thing for me. It's changing my life. Yesterday we went to Boise early and paid visits to Ann Morrison Park, the train depot, and borders. It was so fun. After church we drove up to Table Rock and saw the sky as the sun was setting. It was amazing. I just thought to my self "wow, the one who made all of this is taking care of me." I definately let go of all the worry and frustration that has been building up in me over the past few weeks. Thank Jesus for the Sabbath day.


Best Job EVER

I'm pretty sure I have the best job ever. Seriously, I got to go to Hawaii for free. I get paid to go to roaring springs, to swing at the park, to eat ice cream, catch bugs, watch cartoons, and best of all I get to hang out with these cuties all day!


where I need to be.

Right now I'm praying for direction. Sometimes I get so caught up worrying about what I want to do with my life that I lose sight of who's really in control. I remember this feeling two and a half years ago. The last place I wanted to end up was at NNU. I hated the feeling that I was expected to go there. I wanted to make my own decisions. I had high expectations for my life. I wanted to end up at one of the Ivy leagues, studying to be an art professor. In high school I pushed myself in a million different directions. Church, track, cross-country, yearbook, part-time job, newspaper, FCA leader, perfect 4.0 student, you name it. Funny how much my life has changed since then.

Now I cringe at the thought of commitments. I don't like being this way, but high school was not so good for me. I was not happy on the inside. Some pretty awful things happened to me back then. I don't know if I ever let myself get over them. Everytime something happened I got past it by pushing myself even harder.

I remember the day I sent my $200 deposit to NNU. I went home and cried all night. I knew God wanted me to be there, I just couldn't figure out why he was being so mean. This all sounds pretty stupid now.

God is so good. He always knows what he is doing. Coming to NNU was one of the best experiences in my life. I have grown so much. I have been able to spend a lot of time with my cousin and his top-notch family (not to mention go to Hawaii with them!) I have met some amazing friends who inspire me all the time. I have the best roomate and friend a girl could ask for. Oh yeah-and the most amazing and wonderful boy in the whole world!

All of these things came from one decision to follow God's plan instead of my own. I am not perfect. I am emotional, selfish, and indecisive, to name a few. But God is not. I choose to follow him wherever he leads me. I may not be back at NNU in the fall, I really don't know where I'll be right now, but I trust God to lead me and that means I need to stop worrying so much and enjoy where I am right now.

Thank you Father for being so patient with me.


The Best Roomate Ever

Becca Deitz.
I love everything about this woman with my whole heart.
Seriously, no one can compare to Becca.
No other roomate lets me bounce up and down on them in the morning when it's time to wake up.
Or rubs my back till four in the morning when I have cramps,
or pelvic thrusts at me from across campus just to say hello.
Becca is a hoot if I ever met one.
She had so many reasons not to want to be my friend when she came to NNU.
well, mainly just that she thought the man she was madly in love with liked me.
good thing he didn't.
I still remember the weekend she took me home to meet the parents.
Probably one of the proudest moments of my life.
I also remember the time when we caught ourselves singing a worship song in her car. In unison. Accapella. totally serious.
and all the other times after that.
We're soul-roommates.
When I found out she had to leave next year, i cried like a baby all night. Not gonna lie.
No roomate will ever replace her.
I'll miss drinking tea together,
and getting our eyebrows waxed by Victor,
and listening to her talk in her sleep,
and not talking trash about our mama's in our room (rule #7)
and so much more.
I'm going to miss you mama bird.
Luckily, UI isn't that far away.


i'm a big kid now

yep, it's true.
I got a blog