
Tender eyes in the Tundra: Day one with Becca

Today was day one of my 6 day adventure with Becca. My flight departed from Boise at 12:40 and arrived in Spokane at 12:45pm. Quite possibly the quickest flight I ever had. My arrival in spokane and reunion with Becca involved lots of tears and streamers...as usual. Next we ventured out into a ferocious blizzard to explore the town of Spokane. Our first stop was the most precious little cafe and bakery called Rockwood Bakery where we shared a delicious chipotle chicken sandwhich and ate all of their free cookie samples. Next we spent a few hours thrifting and picked up some pretty sweet deals. Becca picked up a classy Laverne and Shirley T shirt while I found some top-of-the-line rainbow legwarmers. We stopped in Couer d Alene to eat a 700 calorie dinner at Wendy's( Yes, there was a chart and we counted) and Coffee at Java. That's when we set off through the Tundra, Moscow bound. If your wondering about my tender eyes it's because it's so freaking cold that my eyelids are about to fall off right now. Three hours later and the scariest drive of my life, we arrived at the home of Becca and Aubrey. It's the best home ever. After some OC and ribbion candy, we snuggled into bed...

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