
Sabbath Day

The Sabbath Day is my favorite day ever.
Lately Jon and I have been going to Calvary Chapel on Sunday nights. It's just the bomb at that place. I love it. Anyways, Every Sunday I've been sleeping in late, which means I can actually stay awake in church. This is a new thing for me. It's changing my life. Yesterday we went to Boise early and paid visits to Ann Morrison Park, the train depot, and borders. It was so fun. After church we drove up to Table Rock and saw the sky as the sun was setting. It was amazing. I just thought to my self "wow, the one who made all of this is taking care of me." I definately let go of all the worry and frustration that has been building up in me over the past few weeks. Thank Jesus for the Sabbath day.


andrea. said...

God is oh so very good indeed.

thank you for your words, miss webb. see you soon!

Becca said...

aubrey, you make me happy.

we need to phone talk soon, because i want to hear all about how good Jesus is showing you he is.