
I QUIT! (almost)

I am ready to terminate my job at a certain car dealership.
There are some upsides there.  Nine dollars an hour is not too shabby.
The thing is that I am just done there.
Done getting hit on by my manager (who is clearly in his late 30's)
Done getting asked strange questions by creepy service men...Last week one guy asked if I was pregnant.
Done working 10 hour  Saturdays.
I just don't like it and I would much rather spend that time working on my design projects or spending time with my friends -who I have  unfortunately been neglecting lately :(
There are just somethings money can't buy.
I have the rest of my life to work right?
The problem is...I have never really quit a job.
I always just stick it out until I have to do something like go off to College.
The types of jobs that I had never really required quitting.
So if anyone has some advice for me on how to quit,
it would be much appreciated.


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